Brighten Your Machine Shed With Vi-Tek 93® Plus

Before and after pictures of a machine shed lighting upgrade

400 Watt Metal Halide Fixtures vs. Watt-Hawk 8 Foot T8 Fixtures

Vi-Tek 93® Plus

The Incredible Light for Machine Sheds and Barns

What are your biggest worries with your current lighting system in your barn or machine storage shed? Is it the old incandescent lamps that are drawing 200 or 300 watts and not giving you any down light? Or is it the old fluorescent fixtures that swirl on cold mornings and cast yellow shadows? Some of you may have the bell fixtures that have hot spots underneath them and shadows in between.

With Vi-Tek 93® Plus lamps you can bring the natural outdoor full spectrum light inside your machine storage shed or barn, making it easier to work on projects while working indoors.

Unlike fluorescent fixtures of old, H&H fixtures and retrofit kits feature a ballasts that starts at -20° F so the will work on the cold winter mornings just like traditional fluorescents. Plus, with their specially engineered reflectors to evenly disperse the light, H&H fixtures and retrofit kits can be a great improvement to your indoor machine storage shed lighting.

If you are looking for the proper interior shed lighting for a new construction project, make sure you check out the Watt Hawk high bay light fixtures. They will give you the best lighting system available. You can even call us for layout suggestions for your indoor barn lights or machine storage shed lighting.

Products on grocery store shelves under Vi-Tek 93 Plus lighting



The Ultimate Machine Shed Light Fixtures


For Ceilings Up To 15 Feet

8 foot fixture side view

Evenly Spreads Light

Built in the USA

USA Made with US Steel




For Ceilings Over 15 Feet

8 foot fixture side view

Evenly Spreads Light

Built in the USA

USA Made with US Steel




The Ultimate Workbench Light Fixtures


4ft workbench fixture side view

Evenly Spreads Light

Built in the USA

USA Made with US Steel




Lighting Upgrade Guide