
5/8" Diameter

4 Foot T5

Light Bulb Upgrades

LED Upgrade

Vi-Tek 93®+ T5 LED

25.5W T5 Vi-Tek 93+ LED

25.5 Watts
5 Year Warranty

If your lamp reads F54T5HO/835, 841, or 850, you can upgrade it to LED with HH9365.

LED Energy Savings

Replace Watts Savings
F54T5HO 54 Watts 28.5 Watts
Lighting Facts Per Bulb
Brightness 3,200 Lumens
Estimated Yearly Energy Cost $3.07
Based on 3 hrs/day. 11¢/kWh
Cost depends on rates and use
Based on 3 hrs/day
45.7 years
Light Appearance
6700K on Light Appearance Scale
Energy Used 25.5 watts

Fluorescent Upgrade

Vi-Tek 93®+ T5

F54T5 Vi-Tek 93+ HO

54 Watts
40 Month Warranty

F54T5HO lamps can be replace with the HH9319 Vi-Tek 93® Plus lamps for brighter white lighting.